Saturday 22 October 2016

Another prayer answered.

17 July 16, Sunday, the day I read my friend's post that misha had sustained 70% burns and was critical in hospital. I had no emotional affiliation with her but she was his best friend. He had already been through so much. The thought of him losing her made me shiver in the hot summer day. Without a second thought I broke my two month silence and dialled his cellphone. My goal as always was to be there like no one else would. Later I spread my prayer mat and begged Allah for her health. Each tear escaped my eyes deeply aware of the fact that once again hell awaits me. I didn't care. How could I. If there is anything in my life that i've mastered, its loyalty. He couldnot lose her. She couldnot die. I couldnot stop praying. To this day I couldnot.

Today, 22nd Oct, almost three and a half months later I saw her picture with him. She made it. He looks so happy. My prayers got answered. He didnt lose her. She didnt die. I somehow did. And thats the price I so often pay for my loyalty.

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